Monday, November 25, 2013

Channel Bonding Interfaces RedHat Enterprise

9.2.4. Channel Bonding Interfaces

Red Hat Enterprise Linux allows administrators to bind multiple network interfaces together into a single channel using the bonding kernel module and a special network interface called a channel bonding interface. Channel bonding enables two or more network interfaces to act as one, simultaneously increasing the bandwidth and providing redundancy.
To create a channel bonding interface, create a file in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory called ifcfg-bondN, replacing N with the number for the interface, such as 0.
The contents of the file can be identical to whatever type of interface is getting bonded, such as an Ethernet interface. The only difference is that the DEVICE directive is bondN, replacing N with the number for the interface. The NM_CONTROLLED directive can be added to prevent NetworkManager from configuring this device.
The following is a sample channel bonding configuration file:
Example 9.1. Sample ifcfg-bond0 interface configuration file

BONDING_OPTS="bonding parameters separated by spaces"

After the channel bonding interface is created, the network interfaces to be bound together must be configured by adding the MASTER and SLAVE directives to their configuration files. The configuration files for each of the channel-bonded interfaces can be nearly identical.
For example, if two Ethernet interfaces are being channel bonded, both eth0 and eth1 may look like the following example: 
In this example, replace N with the numerical value for the interface.
Support for bonding was added to NetworkManager in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3. See Section 9.2.1, “Ethernet Interfaces” for an explanation of NM_CONTROLLED and the NM_BOND_VLAN_ENABLED directive.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AnyConnect and VPN Client

AnyConnect : SSL or Web VPN,  Clientless VPN on ASA 5505
VPN Client  : Easy VPN Client

Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Change the Listening Port for Remote Desktop

This article describes how to change the port that Remote Desktop listens on. Note The Remote Desktop Connection Client for the Mac supports only port 3389. 3389 is the default port.

Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Start Registry Editor.

  2. 2
    Locate and then click the following registry sub-key:
  3. 3
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\

  4. 4

  5. 5
    On the Edit menu, click Modify, and then click Decimal.

  6. 6
    Type the new port number, and then click OK.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How To Check Your Windows 7 Licence Information

This is an easy way to check your Windows 7 license information using the command prompt, especially handy if you're using an evaluation copy of Windows 7

NOTE: Using winver alone doesn't necessarily display the correct expiration date, nor the license status

1. Open a command prompt by pressing the Winkey+R, typing cmd into the address bar and hitting enter.


2. In the command prompt type;
slmgr and hit enter.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 799 x 418)Image

A Windows Script Host will pop up informing you of an invalid combination of command parameters.
In the script host you'll be shown Global Options, Advanced options, Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Client options, Volume Licensing: Token-based Activation Options & Volume Licensing: (KMS) Options.
For most, the global options will do. The most frequently used command will be to check the licence status and expiration date.

3. To display the current license information type into the command prompt;
slmgr /dli and hit enter.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 798 x 273)Image

4. To display detailed information on the current license type into the command prompt;
slmgr /dlv and hit enter.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 799 x 400)Image

5. To display the expiration date for the current license type into the command prompt;
slmgr /xpr and hit enter.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 798 x 264)Image

If an evaluation copy of Windows is being used, the rearm command may be used up to three times to extend the grace period. Grace period, and rearm counts are displayed by using slmgr /dlv


6. To rearm Windows and extend the grace period, in the command prompt, type;
slmgr /rearm and hit enter.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 799 x 357)Image

7. Restart your system to apply the changes.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Windows XP will not restore my Active Desktop

First solution:

You can also attempt to reset Internet Explorer back to defaults to see if that resolves the issue.

1. Click START
2. Click 'Control Panel'
3. Double click 'Internet Options'
4. Click on the 'Advanced' tab and select 'Reset...' at the very bottom of the Window
5. Restart your computer


Second Solution

Follow these instructions, u can solve ur prob:

1.Go to Run, type regedit and hit enter
2.Go here HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\SafeMode\Components
3.Select the value DeskHtmlVersion
4.Select the Decimal radial button
5.Change the value of 272 to 0
6.Most of the time it might take a few seconds for your background to appear and other times…you might need to restart your computer.
Have fun :-)

Friday, September 20, 2013

View Mailbox Size in Exchange Server 2003/2007/2010

For Exchange 2003:
Open Exchange System Manager from the Programs folder in Start Menu and head to Administrative Groups.

Select the first administrative group -> Servers -> Your server name -> First Storage group -> Mailbox Store -> Mailboxes
Here, you will see all the mailbox size and item counts.

For Exchange 2007:

Exchange Management Console does not allow us to see the mailbox count and item count.
For this to see open Exchange Management Shell and run this command:

Get-MailboxStatistics -database “Mailbox Database” | Select DisplayName, LastLoggedOnUserAccount, ItemCount, TotalItemSize, LastLogonTime, LastLogoffTime | Format-Table
You will see all the mailbox size in Bytes and the item count for each mailbox. Here is the screenshot:


This is the command to export this details to a CSV file:
Get-MailboxStatistics -Database “Mailbox Database” | Select DisplayName, LastLoggedOnUserAccount, ItemCount, TotalItemSize, LastLogonTime, LastLogoffTime | Export-CSV test.csv

For Exchange 2010:

You can use the Exchange Management Console to view who last logged on to a mailbox, the last logon date and time, the mailbox size, and the message count by completing these steps:
1. Expand the Recipient Configuration node and then select the Mailbox node.
2. Double-click the mailbox with which you want to work.
3. On the General tab, the Last Logged On By text box shows who last logged on to the mailbox, and the Modified entry shows the date and time the mailbox was last modified.
4. On the General tab, the Total Items and Size (KB) areas show the number of messages in the mailbox and the current mailbox size in kilobytes, respectively.

If you want to view similar information for all mailboxes on a server, the easiest way is to use the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet. Here are some examples of using this cmdlet.
Syntax :
Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity 'Identity' [-Archive ] [-DomainContoller DomainController] [-IncludeMoveHistory ] [-IncludeMoveReport ] Get-MailboxStatistics -Server 'Server' | -Database 'Database' [-DomainContoller DomainController]

Usage :
Get-MailboxStatistics -Server 'corpsvr127'
Get-MailboxStatistics -Database 'Engineering Primary'
Get-MailboxStatistics –Identity 'cpandl\williams'

Tuesday, September 17, 2013



In this section I will show you how to set up and use Windows 7 Remote Assistance, a Windows 7 program that allows you to remotely control another Windows 7 computer and therefore help someone with their computer problems remotely. It also allows the other way around. Someone else can help you, if they are the helper and you are the one with the computer problems.

There are similar, and much better, programs on the internet (such as CrossLoop and Team Viewer) but these tend to have a monthly or yearly subscription fee because they come with extra features and also have remote helpers to guide/help you through your computer problems. So Windows 7 Remote Assistance is basically a cheaper (free) alternative. Don't let this put you off though because at the end of the day it gets the job done.

To begin using Windows 7 Remote Assistance go to the START Menu and type Remote A into the SEARCH Edit Box. This will then give a link to the Windows 7 Remote Assistance program. Simply click on its SEARCH entry listing (link) to continue.

Fig 1.0  Click on the WINDOWS REMOTE ASSISTANCE link to continue

When the Windows Remote Assistance window appears you will have two options to choose from - INVITE SOMEONE YOU TRUST TO HELP YOU and HELP SOMEONE WHO HAS INVITED YOU - Click on the first option if you need help from someone else or click on the second option if you want to help someone else.

In this section I will first show you how to get help from someone else and then show you how to help someone else. So begin by clicking on the INVITE SOMEONE YOU TRUST TO HELP YOU option (link). Doing so will then give you invitations options (Fig 1.2 below).

Fig 1.1  Click on the INVITE SOMEONE YOU TRUST TO HELP YOU option (link) to continue

Fig 1.2  Click on the USE EMAIL TO SEND INVITATION option (link) to continue

An invitation is an encrypted "Connection File", in the format of a .msrc file, that basically contains the necessary credentials about the computer and user account needing the help. It is needed by the helper's computer (the computer of the person helping you). Ignore these technicals though! All you need to do is specify the method (option) in which the "Connection File" will be sent to your helper.

SAVE THIS INVITATION AS A FILE - This option allows you to send the invitation file ("Connection File") using a web-based e-mail account such as a Hotmail, Yahoo or GMail e-mail account. You will need to login to that e-mail account in order to send the invitation file ("Connection File") as an attachment.

USE E-MAIL TO SEND AN INVITATION - The same as above, but this option uses an e-mail client (e-mail program) such as Windows Live Mail 2011 to create the attachment automatically.

EASY CONNECT - This option is for those with an Easy Connect compatible router and Windows 7. It allows you to connect two computers without the need to send an invitation file ("Connection File"). The beauty of this method is that after the initial connection, which requires a password, any subsequent connections do not need a password. You just click on the helper's contact name to establish a connection.

For this example I am using Windows Live Mail 2011 to send the invitation file ("Connection File") as an e-mail attachment, to a helper called Danny. All you need to do with this option is fill in the TO edit box with the e-mail address of your helper (i.e. Danny's e-mail address) and then click on the SEND button to actually send the e-mail with its predefined e-mail message and the invitation file ("Connection File").

Fig 1.3  Fill in the TO edit box with the e-mail address of your helper and then SEND this e-mail

When the e-mail has been sent a window will appear with a password on it, ready for the connection between the two computers to take place. This invitation password is only good for up to six hours, so it is important that the helper gets the e-mail. Normally you would give them a quick phone call and tell them about the invitation e-mail, as well as give/send them the invitation password, or you would of prearranged this meeting (invitation) and do everything live (do everything now, at this moment).

Fig 1.4  Tell your helper this Easy Connect password

At this point, assuming the helper has the invitation e-mail and invitation password, they would then open their Windows Remote Assistance program and follow the steps needed to help you (see "Help Someone Else" below).

With a connection established between your computer and the helper's computer, all the helper will see initially is a black desktop screen representing your desktop. However, also at this point, they will not have full access to your computer. They will need to ask your permission via the REQUEST CONTROL button located in the top-left corner of their Windows Remote Assistance window - In the same position where you see the faded out wording: STOP SHARING on your Windows Remote Assistance window.

Fig 1.5  The Helper can now see your desktop, but does not have full control of it.

The reason for them not having full control of your computer at this point, and by default, is because in this "Limited Mode" of Windows Remote Assistance it is assumed you only want the helper to see your desktop whereby they will then tell you what to do over the phone (or via skype) for example. When the helper clicks on their REQUEST CONTROL button you are sent a message requester (below) whereby you need to click on its YES button in order to give full control of your computer to the helper's computer.

Fig 1.6  The helper's computer is requesting full control of your computer

After clicking on the YES button the helper can then actually move your mouse around, click and double click on folders and files, open programs, run system commands and so on, just as though they were sitting in front of your computer; trying to fix its problems.

When the helper has finished, and hopefully fix your computer problems, either you or they can exit (close) this "repair session" by clicking on the Windows Remote Assistance red eXit (close) button. That will terminate the connection between the two computers.

Now that you know how to get remote help from someone else, with you being the one with computer problems, in this next example I will show you how things work from the helper's point of view; by showing you how to be the helper.

Begin by starting Windows Remote Assistance (as explained/exampled in Fig 1.0 above), but this time click on the HELP SOMEONE WHO HAS INVITED ME option (link) when it comes to choosing whether or not to be the helper or the one with the computer problems.

Fig 5.0  Click on the HELP SOMEONE WHO HAS INVITED ME option (link) to be the helper

After clicking on the HELP SOMEONE WHO HAS INVITED ME option (link) the invitation file (Connection File), that was sent by the person with the computer problems, needs to be opened. The window that follows allows you to choose from two options, although only one of them might be available. The choices are:

USE AN INVITATION FILE - This option allows you to use the invitation file (Connection File) that was sent via e-mail attachment, by the person with the computer problems, in order to make a connection between the two computers.

EASY CONNECT - This option might not be available for a number of reasons, with the main reason being your router does not support the EASY CONNECT Protocol. Ignore the technicals. These option will either be available or not (inactive/faded out).

Sticking with the above example; Click on the USE AN INVITATION FILE option (link) to bring up the OPEN file requester (Fig 5.2 below) and then locate and open the .msrc invitation file (Connection File), called Invitation.msrcIncident, sent to you via e-mail attachment. You should of saved that e-mail (file) attachment to your DESKTOP or DOWNLOADS folder, for example, beforehand.

Fig 5.1  Click on the USE AN INVITATION FILE option (link) to bring up the OPEN file requester

Fig 5.2  Locate, Select and then OPEN the .msrc invitation file (Connection File) called Invitation.msrcIncident

When you click on the OPEN button, of the OPEN file requester, a Enter Your Password window then appears whereby you need to insert the password given to you by the person with computer problems into the PASSWORD edit box. When you have done that click on the window's OK button to continue.

Fig 5.3  Enter the password given to you by the person with computer problems

Once the correct password has been entered, and you have clicked on the OK button, you will then have limited access to the computer with problems (as described earlier, above). To gain full access (full control) you need to click on the REQUEST CONTROL button located in the top-left corner of the Windows Remote Assistance window (below). The user of the problem computer will then have to agree to full control by clicking on the YES button of the message requester that appears (as exampled in Fig 1.6 above).

Fig 5.4  Click on the REQUEST CONTROL button to request full control of the problem computer

With full control of the problem computer; you, the helper, can now go about looking for problems, diagnosing problems and hopefully fixing problems.

As said at the beginning of the section, Windows Remote Assistance isn't full of features and settings/options. However, that doesn't mean you cannot make things better. For example. If you click on the SETTINGS button, to bring up the settings window, you can improve your experience with the problem computer by using a higher or lower level of broadband bandwidth - Turn off/on the desktop background imagery, disable/enable windows drag and increase/decrease colour depth (colour resolution).

Fig 6.0  Move (drag) the slider down to LOW for a faster, more responsive experience

Fig 6.1  Move (drag) the slider up to HIGH for a slighter slower, but more visual experience

Look around the Windows Remote Assistance window and investigate things such as the CHAT feature and SETTINGS options. These are pretty bog standard but tweaking the broadband bandwidth settings for example can make a difference in performance.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Re: Unifi Controller Port 8080 is used by other program.

I had the problem of "port 8080 is being used by another program" happen once and I discovered that there was an unresponsive instance of the Unifi Controller running in the background. Ended both the current and hidden unresponsive Unifi Controller instance via Task Manager and when I brought it back up it worked.

For your second question of running a voucher system without a controlling computer, the answer is no, you cannot do that. The guest portal is presented by the controlling computer whether or not you use the simple password, voucher or hotspot authentication methods so if the controlling computer is not present your guests will never reach the guest portal and therefore will not get authorized ultimately leading to no internet access for them.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Forwarding messages from outlook to gmail

Forwarding messages from outlook to gmail

I have been asked to help some one to forward all his mail messages from Outlook exchange account to his Gmail folder.
So to achieve that you need to open your outlook.
Go to Tools->Rules and Alerts…
Rules and Alerts
Then you need to create a new rule. in the window that popped up you click on the new rule button.
create a new rule
Then you get the rule window with templates in it.
Click on next and you get the default rule that you are about to customize.
Change the marked item in the list of “Step 1:” to “through the specified account”
through the specified account
Click on the first link in the “Step 2:” box.

Select the account you want to forward
Select the account
Click on OK.
Then click on next and change the selection to “forward it to people or distribution list”

Go to “Step 2:” and click on the second link
In the window that opens type the email account you want to forward it to
email account
Now click on OK and Finish.
That is it. test the forward with an email self addressed.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Traceroute through Cisco ASA Firewall

To allow inside hosts to be visible to outside hosts use following:

access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any echo

Following lines will make inside hosts visible to outside using taceroute:

access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any echo-reply
OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any source-quench
OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any time-exceeded

Service policy on the firewall also needs to be updated to inspect ICMP traffic

policy-map global_policy
class inspection_default

set connection decrement-ttl

inspect icmp
inspect icmp error


Add Access-list to access-group

access-group OUTSIDE-IN in interface outside

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to play song in Hole Mode PABX TD1232(SMC)

Connect main phone to with PABX TD1232
Connect Audio cable to Music2 on PABX TD1232

On main phone: Press  Program ==> *#1234567

Press code: 803

Click: SP-Phone = Enter

Select : Hode = Music 2
Select : BGM = Music 2


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Step-by-Step Guide to Remote Assistance

Using Remote Assistance via saving a file

This section shows how to initiate a Remote Assistance invitation by saving the request as a file. This allows you to use Remote Assistance via Web-based e-mail such as Hotmail or other similar services.
In this scenario, user Jon Grande initiates the same request as explained above.
  1. Jon clicks Start, clicks Help and Support, and under the Ask for assistance heading, he clicks Invite a friend to connect to your computer with Remote Assistance. The Remote Assistance page appears as shown in Figure 7 below.
    Figure 7: Inviting someone to help you
    Figure 7: Inviting someone to help you
  2. Jon clicks Invite someone to help you and selects Save Invitation as a file.
  3. Jon enters his message and clicks Continue.
  4. The Save File dialog box appears and Jon is prompted to save the file in his My Documents folder as shown in Figure 8 below.
    Figure 8: Saving the Remote Assistance file
    Figure 8: Saving the Remote Assistance file
  5. Jon opens his Hotmail e-mail, attaches the file from his My Documents folder and sends the message to Cynthia Randall.
  6. Cynthia opens Jon's message, saves the attached file to her My Documents folder and opens it. The Remote Assistance Invitation box appears as shown in Figure 9 below.
    Figure 9: Accepting the Remote Assistance request
    Figure 9: Accepting the Remote Assistance request
  7. Cynthia enters the password and clicks Yes.
    Note: Paul will have needed to let Cynthia know what the password is in a separate communication such as a phone call or secure e-mail. Typically, users should relay the password via a phone call.
  8. The Attempting to Start Remote Assistance Session with Paul West box appears. Cynthia is able to begin Remote Assistance as explained in the previous example.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

No Terminal Server Client access licenses

- start>run>regedit>hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\mslicensing......once here delete the mslicensing folder.

try to connect after deleting said folder...

Weldone :-)