Saturday, November 29, 2014

How to Export Mailboxes with Exchange Server 2010 SP1

Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 introduced a new method for exporting mailboxes called Mailbox Export Requests.  This new method replaces the previous Export-Mailbox command.
Before we look at how to create a new mailbox export request in Exchange 2010 SP1 there are a few things that you should understand.
Firstly, no accounts are granted the rights to export mailboxes by default.  You need to explicitly grant these rights, even to accounts that are organization administrators.
Secondly, the mailbox export request is processed by the Client Access server role.  Because multiple Client Access servers can exist in a site the request could be processed by any one of them.  To ensure that the path to the export PST file is valid for any Client Access server it has to be a UNC path to network share, not a local path.

Granting User Rights for Mailbox Exports in Exchange 2010 SP1

The first step is to grant the right to export mailboxes to an account in your organization.  In the Exchange Management Shell run the following command.
New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role "Mailbox Import Export" –User Administrator
If you’re logged with that user already simply restart your Exchange Management Shell session to be granted access to the new cmdlets.

Creating a Network Share for Mailbox Exports in Exchange 2010 SP1

Next we need to create the network share that will be used as the file path for the exported PST files.  All that is required here is a network share that the Exchange Trusted Subsystem group has read/write permission to.

Exporting a Mailbox with an Exchange Server SP1 Mailbox Export Request

With everything configured properly we can now use New-MailboxExportRequest to start the mailbox export.  The only two required parameters for the command are the file path to the export PST file, and the name of the mailbox to export.
[PS] C:\>New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox alan.reid -FilePath \\esp-ho-ex2010a\pst\alan.reid.pst

Name                                           Mailbox                                        Status
----                                           -------                                        ------
MailboxExport                         Of... Queued
To view the status of the request use the Get-MailboxExportRequest cmdlet.
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxExportRequest

Name                                           Mailbox                                        Status
----                                           -------                                        ------
MailboxExport                         Of... InProgress
You can also see more detail about the mailbox export request with Get-MailboxExportRequest.
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxExportRequest -Name MailboxExport | fl

RunspaceId     : c48a9069-e572-4c65-80ea-773e61e5337e
FilePath       : \\esp-ho-ex2010a\pst\alan.reid.pst
SourceDatabase : MB-HO-01
Mailbox        : Office/Alan.Reid
Name           : MailboxExport
RequestGuid    : 9de3a722-0c82-4e34-98bf-0ff624c47c16
RequestQueue   : MB-HO-01
Flags          : IntraOrg, Push
BatchName      :
Status         : InProgress
Protect        : False
Suspend        : False
Direction      : Push
RequestStyle   : IntraOrg
OrganizationId :
Identity       : Office/Alan.Reid\MailboxExport
IsValid        : True
An easy way to see the progress of all mailbox export requests is to pipe Get-MailboxExportRequest into the Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics cmdlet.
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxExportRequest | Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics

Name                                   Status                    SourceAlias                           PercentComplete
----                                   ------                    -----------                           ---------------
MailboxExport                          InProgress                Alan.Reid                             20

Exporting an Archive Mailbox with Exchange Server SP1 Mailbox Export Request

You can also export a user’s Personal Archive using mailbox export requests simply by adding the -IsArchive parameter to the command.
[PS] C:\>New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox alan.reid -FilePath \\esp-ho-ex2010a\pst\alan.reid.pst -IsArchive

Completing the Mailbox Export Request

When a mailbox export request is completed it remains on the server until it is removed by an administrator using Remove-MailboxExportRequest.
To see all of the completed mailbox export requests run this command.
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxExportRequest | where {$_.status -eq "Completed"}

Name                                           Mailbox                                        Status
----                                           -------                                        ------
MailboxExport                         Of... Completed
And to clear all completed mailbox export requests from Exchange run the following command.
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxExportRequest | where {$_.status -eq "Completed"} | Remove-MailboxExportRequest

Delegating computer object management tasks

Delegating computer object management tasks

1 Vote


The subject of delegating permissions in Active Directory for management of computer objects has been covered many times in many forums. I wanted to try to collect all that information as well as add some refinements of my own.

Rights vs. permissions

In the olden days, back when I was just a wee lad and Windows NT was new, the ability to join a computer to a domain was controller by a user right called Add workstations to domain. This user right is only valid on domain controllers. Any use who had this right could join computers to a Windows NT domain. The user right still exists and is in use even on Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controllers running Active Directory domains. When users join their computers to the domain using their own credentials they do it using this user right. It is, in fact, the only option available to them, since no regular users are granted any permissions over computer objects in Active Directory by default.
Back in the NT era this right was granted to the Users group and there was no limit to how many computers any give user could add to the domain. When Windows 2000 came along and with it Active Directory the user right was changed to apply to the Authenticated Users security principal and any one user could only add 10 computers to a domain by default. But the preferred way for Active Directory was to use permissions in the directory service to control object creation, modification and deletion…
Active Directory has a very fine grained permissions set allowing you to set permissions for objects as well as their properties. These permissions work the same way as the rest of the authorization model in Windows does by using Access Control Lists (ACL) with security principals and their permissions listed in individual Access Control Entries (ACE). Permissions can be granted anywhere in the hierarchy and inherited down to objects and containers. Granting permissions in Active Directory to someone or something is often called delegation. Computer objects are of course also included in these permissions and we can create much better delegation of control than we could with just a global user right.
We’ll cover three delegation of control scenarios regarding computer object management in this post:
  1. Allowing a security principal to join (add) a computer to a domain
  2. Allowing a security principal to join and re-join a computer to a domain
  3. Allowing a security principal to rename a computer in a domain
  4. Allowing a security principal to move computer objects in a domain
You can of course combine any of these.
Creating a computer object and changing its properties is what is required to join a computer to the domain. The container could be the Computers container or any other OU or container, including the domain itself but I do not recommend that.
When a computer joins an Active Directory domain without specifying a path, it is placed in the Computers container. The Computers container is not an OU and so it cannot have Group Policy Objects linked to it or have sub containers or OUs. If you are fine with all computer objects being created in this container you can delegate the permissions below to the Computers container

1. Allowing a security principal to join (add) a computer to a domain

First out is the most common scenario; join a computer to an Active Directory domain. As stated earlier it is not necessary to delegate this to regular users since the very few cases where they join their own computers to a domain should be covered by the Add workstation to domain user right. One exception to this is if you want to tighten down security and remove all security principals from this user right. In that case, if you still want to allow regular users to be able to join computers to a domain you have to delegate permissions to them. The more common case is that whatever deployment solution you use adds the computers to the domain. This is by far the best solution since very few users have any idea what a domain is.
A best practice is to create a service account used only for adding computers to the domain. This account should be clearly labeled, have a strong password and not have any other rights or permissions in you directory except the ability to join the domain. That being said the procedure below works for any security principal you want to delegate permissions to join the domain for.
  1. Identify the security principal that you want to delegate permissions for
    This can be any security principal; user, group etc.
  2. Identify the container or OU where you want to allow users to manipulate computer objects
  3. Right click the container or OU you selected and select Delegate Control…
  4. The Delegation of Control Wizard opens, hit Next
  5. The Users or Groups window opens:
    Select the security principal you want to grant permissions to, then hit Next again.
  6. The Tasks to Delegate window opens:
    Select Create a custom task to delegate and hit Next
  7. The Active Directory Object Type window opens:
    Select Only the following objects in the folder and select Computer objects, select Create selected objects in this folder and finally hit Next
  8. The Permissions window opens
    Select Property-specific and select Read All Properties. This is actually redundant since this permissions are already granted to the Authenticated Users principal, but the delegation of control wizard will not let you continue without selecting something on this screen.image
  9. Finally the Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard window opens showing you a summary of your actions. Hit Finish.

    Delegation of Control Wizard Summary

You chose to delegate control of objects
in the following Active Directory folder:
The groups, users, or computers to which you
have given control are:

    Domain Join Account (
They have the following permissions:
    Read All Properties
For the following object types:
    The selected principals can now join computers to the domain.

2. Allowing a security principal to join and re-join a computer to a domain

    The second scenario; allowing a principal to also re-join a computer to a domain requires some additional permissions. This is useful if you want to have a service account that can manage all computer accounts, also existing ones. System Center Configuration Manager for example requires these permissions.
  1. Identify the security principal that you want to delegate permissions for
  2. Identify the container or OU where you want to allow users to create and configure computer objects
  3. Right click the container or OU you selected and select Delegate Control…
  4. The Delegation of Control Wizard opens, hit Next
  5. The Users or Groups window opens:
    Select the security principal you want to grant permissions to, then hit Next again.
  6. The Tasks to Delegate window opens:
    Select Create a custom task to delegate and hit Next
  7. The Active Directory Object Type window opens:
    Select Only the following objects in the folder and select Computer objects, select Create selected objects in this folder and Delete selected objects in this folder, and finally hit Next
  8. The Permissions window opens
    Select Property-specific and select these individual permissions:
    - Reset Password
    - Read and write Account Restrictions
    - Validated write to DNS host name
    - Validated write to service principal name
  9. Finally the Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard window opens showing you a summary of your actions. Hit Finish.

      Delegation of Control Wizard Summary

    You chose to delegate control of objects
    in the following Active Directory folder:
The groups, users, or computers to which you
have given control are:

    Domain Join Account (SvcJoinComputerToDom@<domain>)
They have the following permissions:
    Reset password
    Read and write account restrictions
    Validated write to DNS host name
    Validated write to service principal name

For the following object types:
    The selected principals can now join computers to the domain as well as re-join computers when the computer account already exists.

3. Allowing a security principal to rename a computer in a domain

Here goes no. 3…
  1. Identify the security principal that you want to delegate permissions for
  2. Identify the container or OU where you want to allow users to create and configure computer objects
  3. Right click the container or OU you selected and select Delegate Control…
  4. The Delegation of Control Wizard opens, hit Next
  5. The Users or Groups window opens:
    Select the security principal you want to grant permissions to, then hit Next again.
  6. The Tasks to Delegate window opens:
    Select Create a custom task to delegate and hit Next
  7. The Active Directory Object Type window opens:
    Select Only the following objects in the folder and select Computer objects and hit Next 
  8. The Permissions window opens
    Select Property-specific and select Write All Properties.
    Scroll down an add these individual permissions as well:
    - Validated write to DNS host name
    - Validated write to service principal name
  9. Finally the Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard window opens showing you a summary of your actions. Hit Finish.
    1. Delegation of Control Wizard Summary

    You chose to delegate control of objects
    in the following Active Directory folder:
    The groups, users, or computers to which you
    have given control are:
        Domain Join Account (
    They have the following permissions:
        Write All Properties
        Validated write to DNS host name
        Validated write to service principal name
    For the following object types:
    The selected principals can now rename a computer in a domain.

4. Allowing a security principal to move computer objects in a domain

The last one is a little more involved as it requires changing permissions on both the source container/OU and the destination. The destination container/OU requires the same permissions as in scenario 1 so set those. Follow these steps to configure the source container/OU:
  1. Identify the security principal that you want to delegate permissions for
  2. Identify the container or OU where you want to allow users to create and configure computer objects
  3. Right click the container or OU you selected and select Delegate Control…
  4. The Delegation of Control Wizard opens, hit Next
  5. The Users or Groups window opens:
    Select the security principal you want to grant permissions to, then hit Next again.
  6. The Tasks to Delegate window opens:
    Select Create a custom task to delegate and hit Next
  7. The Active Directory Object Type window opens:
    Select Only the following objects in the folder, select Computer objects and , select Delete selected objects in this folders, hit Next 
  8. The Permissions window opens
    Select Property-specific and select Write All Properties
  9. Finally the Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard window opens showing you a summary of your actions. Hit Finish.

      Delegation of Control Wizard Summary

    You chose to delegate control of objects
    in the following Active Directory folder:
    The groups, users, or computers to which you
    have given control are:
        Domain Join Account (
    They have the following permissions:
        Write All Properties
    For the following object types:

More information

There is an interesting distinction between joining a domain by exercising the user right Add workstation to the domain and using delegated permissions. If you join by the user right the owner of the resulting computer object is the Domain Administrators group, but if you join by delegated permissions the owner is the user who actually performed the join. Also if a principal has both the user right and delegated permissions, delegated permissions take precedent and are used to join the computer to the domain. A recommended best practice her would be to remove all principals from the user right and just rely on permissions. You do that by applying a policy to your domain controllers where no principal has the user right:
The location of the user right is:
Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment
You could also increase the default quota of 10 computer accounts added to the domain per user, but I do not recommend that. I essence you are copying the settings from Windows NT to your Active Directory domain and do not take advanced of the advanced delegation model in Active Directory. For completion here is how to change the quota:
From any editor capable of displaying and changing individual attributes of Active Directory objects; display the properties of the domain NC. Locate the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota property and change it to your desired value:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

prevent vlan's of communicating with eachother

Setup: Cisco router with multiple VLAN's configured on it.
How can you prevent 2 VLAN's communicating with eachother? Normally I would do this with ACL's like this:
access-list 102 deny ip
access-list 102 deny ip

int vlan 1
ip address
access-group 102 in

int vlan 2
ip address
access-group 102 in
This however is not handy when dealing with lot's of VLAN's configured on a router. Any suggestions of tweaking this or using an alternative to improve scalability?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014



4.6153846153811111 Rating 4.62 (13 Votes)
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a method that allows the translation (modification) of IP addresses while packets/datagrams are traversing the network. NAT Overload, also known as PAT (Port Address Translation) is essentially NAT with the added feature of TCP/UDP ports translation.
The main purpose of NAT is to hide the IP address (usually private) of a client in order to reserve the public address space. For example a complete network with 100 hosts can have 100 private IP addresses and still be visible to the outside world (internet) as a single IP address. Other benefits of NAT include security and economical usage of the IP address ranges at hand.
The following steps explain basic Cisco router NAT Overload configuration. NAT overload is the most common operation in most businesses around the world, as it enables the whole network to access the Internet using one single real IP address. If you would like to know more about the NAT theory, be sure to read our popular NAT articles, which explain in great depth the NAT functions and applications in today's networks.



The diagram below represents our example network which consists of a number of internal clients and a router connected to our ISP via its serial interface. The company has been assigned the following Class C subnet: (
This translates to one usable real IP address - - configured on our router's serial interface. IP address will be used on the other end, that is, the ISP's router. Our ISP has also provided us with the necessary default gateway IP address (configured on our router - not shown) in order to route all traffic to the Internet.
Our goal in this example is to configure NAT Overload (PAT) and provide all internal workstations with Internet access using one public IP address (


'Overloading' means that the single public IP assigned to your router can be used by multiple internal hosts concurrently. This is done by translating source UDP/TCP ports in the packets and keeping track of them within the translation table kept in the router (R1 in our case). This is a typical NAT configuration for almost all of today's networks.
In addition, NAT Overload (PAT) is covered in great depth on Those interested can visit our NAT Overload (PAT) article.
The first step in any NAT configuration is to define the inside and outside interfaces. It is imperative that we define the these interfaces for NAT overload to function.
Set the fast ethernet 0/0 interface as the inside interface:
R1# configure terminal
R1(config)# interface fastethernet0/0
R1(config-if)# ip nat inside

Next step is to set the serial interface S0/0 as the outside interface:
R1(config-if)# interface serial0/0R1(config-if)# ip nat outside 
R1(config-if)# exit

We now need to create an Access Control List (ACL) that will include local (private) hosts or network(s). This ACL will later on be applied to the NAT service command, effectively controlling the hosts that will be able to access the Internet. You can use standard or extended access lists depending on your requirements:
R1(config)# access-list 100 remark == [Control NAT Service]==
R1(config)# access-list 100 permit ip any
The above command instructs the router to allow the network to reach any destination. Note that Cisco router standard and extended ACLs always use wildcards (
All that's left now is to enable NAT overload and bind it to the outside interface previously selected:
R1(config)# ip nat inside source list 100 interface serial 0/0 overload
From this point onward, the router will happily create all the necessary translations to allow the network access to the Internet.


Viewing the NAT translation table can sometimes reveal a lot of important information on your network's activity. Here you'll be able to identify traffic that's not supposed to be routed to the Internet or traffic that seems suspicious.
As packets start traversing the router it will gradually build up its NAT/PAT translation table as shown below:
R1# show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global           Inside local            Outside local         Outside global

As shown, the first 2 translations directed to & are DNS requests from internal host The third entry seems to be an http request to a web server with IP address
Looking at the fourth and fifth translation entry, you should identify them as pop3 requests to an external server, possibly generated by an email client.
Because these entries are all dynamically created, they are temporary and will be removed from the translation table after some time.
Another point you might want to keep in mind is that when we use programs that create a lot of connections e.g Utorrent, Limewire, etc., you might see sluggish performance from the router as it tries to keep up with all connections. Having thousands of connections running through the router can put some serious stress on the CPU.
In these cases, we might need to clear the IP NAT table completely to free up resources.
This is easily done using the following command:
R1# clear ip nat translation * 
Assuming no request has been sent right after the command was entered, the NAT translation table should be empty:
R1# show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global ...........Inside local .....Outside local .......Outside global
Lastly, you can obtain statistics on the overload NAT service. This will show you the amount of current translations tracked by our NAT table, plus a lot more:
R1# show ip nat statistics
Total active translations: 200 (0 static, 200 dynamic; 200 extended)
Outside interfaces:
Serial 0/0
Inside interfaces:
Hits: 163134904 Misses: 0
CEF Translated packets: 161396861, CEF Punted packets: 3465356
Expired translations: 2453616
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
[Id: 2] access-list 100 interface serial 0/0 refcount 195
Appl doors: 0
Normal doors: 0
Queued Packets: 0


In this article we've covered configuration of NAT Overload on Cisco routers. We also saw how you can control the NAT Overload service using ACLs and obtain detailed statistics on the NAT service. The configuration and commands presented here is compatible with all Cisco router models and IOS's.
If you have found the article useful, we would really appreciate you sharing it with others by using the provided services on the top left corner of this article. Sharing our articles takes only a minute of your time and helps reach more people through such services.


Ammar Muqaddas is a CCNA certified Engineer, CCNA Instructor and member of the Team.
Chris Partsenidis is a CCNA certified Engineer, MCP, LCP, Founder & Senior Editor of

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Managing Limits in Exchange Server 2010

Managing Organization Limits

The best practice is to terminate a message that is not delivered in a reasonable time from the transport pipeline, and using Organization Limits you can achieve that easily. Let’s say that we configure our organization to 5MB for send and receive, even if we have a Send Connector set to 10MB the mailboxes won’t be able to send any message larger than 5MB internally or externally. As a thumb rule the Organization Limits should be the largest value in your environment, although you can work with exceptions at user level but it’s not recommended. Eventually, it will become a pain to manage those special users.
In order to configure the organization limits we can open Exchange Management Console, expand Organization Configuration, Hub Transport, click on Global Settings tab and then double click on Transport Settings, as shown in figure 01.

Figure 01
Let’s start our exercises changing the value of Maximum receive size (KB) to 5MB (5120KB) to understand the implication of this change.
Now, our organization is restricting users to receive a maximum of 5MB messages, however the send limit is still 10MB and we may face the first issue, where a user can send a 10MB message but all other internal recipients won’t receive it. Even if the user tries to send himself a message larger than 5MB he would be able to send but he would also receive an error message explaining that it couldn’t be delivered due the limit restrictions.
Let’s try to send a message with one or more attachments where the total size of the message is larger than 5MB. The result will be a system message to the sender as shown in Figure 02. The diagnostic logging informs the administrator that the problem is on the receiving portion and we know that by the Resolver.RST.RecipSizeLimit string at the end of the NDR code.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Configuring Site to Site IPSec VPN Tunnel Between Cisco Routers

Site-to-Site IPSec VPN Tunnels are used to allow the secure transmission of data, voice and video between two sites (e.g offices or branches). The VPN tunnel is created over the Internet public network and encrypted using a number of advanced encryption algorithms to provide confidentiality of the data transmitted between the two sites.
This article will show how to setup and configure two Cisco routers to create a permanent secure site-to-site VPN tunnel over the Internet, using the IP Security (IPSec) protocol. In this article we assume both Cisco routers have a static public IP address.  Readers interested in configuring support for dynamic public IP address endpoint routers can refer to our Configuring Site to Site IPSec VPN with Dynamic IP Endpoint Cisco Routers article.
IPSec VPN tunnels can also be configured using GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) Tunnels with IPsec. GRE tunnels greatly simply the configuration and administration of VPN tunnels and are covered in our Configuring Point-to-Point GRE VPN Tunnels article.  Lastly, DMVPNs – a new VPN trend that provide major flexibility and almost no administration overhead can also be examined by reading our Understanding Cisco Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN)Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) Deployment Models & Architectures and Configuring Cisco Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) - Hub, Spokes , mGRE Protection and Routing - DMVPN Configuration articles.
ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) and IPSec are essential to building and encrypting the VPN tunnel. ISAKMP, also called IKE (Internet Key Exchange), is the negotiation protocol that allows two hosts to agree on how to build an IPsec security association. ISAKMP negotiation consists of two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2.  
Phase 1 creates the first tunnel, which protects later ISAKMP negotiation messages. Phase 2 creates the tunnel that protects data.  IPSec then comes into play to encrypt the data using encryption algorithms and provides authentication, encryption and anti-replay services.

IPSec VPN Requirements

To help make this an easy-to-follow exercise, we have split it into two steps that are required to get the Site-to-Site IPSec VPN Tunnel to work.
These steps are:
(1)  Configure ISAKMP (ISAKMP Phase 1)
(2)  Configure IPSec  (ISAKMP Phase 2, ACLs, Crypto MAP)
Our example setup is between two branches of a small company, these are Site 1 and Site 2. Both the branch routers connect to the Internet and have a static IP Address assigned by their ISP as shown on the diagram:
Site 1 is configured with an internal network of, while Site 2 is configured with network The goal is to securely connect both LAN networks and allow full communication between them, without any restrictions.

Configure ISAKMP (IKE) - (ISAKMP Phase 1)

IKE exists only to establish SAs (Security Association) for IPsec. Before it can do this, IKE must negotiate an SA (an ISAKMP SA) relationship with the peer.
To begin, we’ll start working on the Site 1 router (R1).
First step is to configure an ISAKMP Phase 1 policy:
R1(config)#  crypto isakmp policy 1
R1(config-isakmp)# encr 3des
R1(config-isakmp)# hash md5
R1(config-isakmp)# authentication pre-share
R1(config-isakmp)# group 2
R1(config-isakmp)# lifetime 86400

The above commands define the following (in listed order):
3DES - The encryption method to be used for Phase 1.
MD5 - The hashing algorithm
Pre-share - Use Pre-shared key as the authentication method
Group 2 - Diffie-Hellman group to be used
86400 – Session key lifetime. Expressed in either kilobytes (after x-amount of traffic, change the key) or seconds. Value set is the default value.
We should note that ISAKMP Phase 1 policy is defined globally. This means that if we have five different remote sites and configured five different ISAKMP Phase 1 policies (one for each remote router), when our router tries to negotiate a VPN tunnel with each site it will send all five policies and use the first match that is accepted by both ends.
Next we are going to define a pre shared key for authentication with our peer (R2 router) by using the following command:
R1(config)# crypto isakmp key firewallcx address
The peer’s pre shared key is set to firewallcx and its public IP Address is Every time R1 tries to establish a VPN tunnel with R2 (, this pre shared key will be used.


Configure IPSec

To configure IPSec we need to setup the following in order:
- Create extended ACL
- Create IPSec Transform
- Create Crypto Map
- Apply crypto map to the public interface
Let us examine each of the above steps.


Creating Extended ACL

Next step is to create an access-list and define the traffic we would like the router to pass through the VPN tunnel.  In this example, it would be traffic from one network to the other, to  Access-lists that define VPN traffic are sometimes called crypto access-list or interesting traffic access-list.
R1(config)# ip access-list extended VPN-TRAFFIC
R1(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip


Create IPSec Transform (ISAKMP Phase 2 policy)

Next step is to create the transform set used to protect our data. We’ve named this TS:
R1(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set TS esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
The above command defines the following:  
- ESP-3DES - Encryption method
- MD5 - Hashing algorithm

Create Crypto Map

The Crypto map is the last step of our setup and connects the previously defined ISAKMP and IPSec configuration together:
R1(config)# crypto map CMAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
R1(config-crypto-map)# set peer
R1(config-crypto-map)# set transform-set TS
R1(config-crypto-map)# match address VPN-TRAFFIC
We’ve named our crypto map CMAP. The ipsec-isakmp tag tells the router that this crypto map is an IPsec crypto map. Although there is only one peer declared in this crypto map (, it is possible to have multiple peers within a given crypto map.

Apply Crypto Map to the Public Interface

The final step is to apply the crypto map to the outgoing interface of the router. Here, the outgoing interface is FastEthernet 0/1.
R1(config)# interface FastEthernet0/1
R1(config- if)# crypto map CMAP
Note that you can assign only one crypto map to an interface.
As soon as we apply crypto map on the interface, we receive a message from the router  that confirms isakmp is on: “ISAKMP is ON”.
At this point, we have completed the IPSec VPN configuration on the Site 1 router.
We now move to the Site 2 router to complete the VPN configuration. The settings for Router 2 are identical, with the only difference being the peer IP Addresses and access lists:
R2(config)# crypto isakmp policy 1
R2(config-isakmp)# encr 3des
R2(config-isakmp)# hash md5
R2(config-isakmp)# authentication pre-share
R2(config-isakmp)# group 2
R2(config-isakmp)# lifetime 86400
R2(config)# crypto isakmp key firewallcx address
R2(config)# ip access-list extended VPN-TRAFFIC
R2(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip
R2(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set TS esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
R2(config)# crypto map CMAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
R2(config-crypto-map)# set peer
R2(config-crypto-map)# set transform-set TS
R2(config-crypto-map)# match address VPN-TRAFFIC
R2(config)# interface FastEthernet0/1
R2(config- if)# crypto map CMAP


Network Address Translation (NAT) and IPSec VPN Tunnels

Network Address Translation (NAT) is most likely to be configured to provide Internet access to internal hosts. When configuring a Site-to-Site VPN tunnel, it is imperative to instruct the router not to perform NAT (deny NAT) on packets destined to the remote VPN network(s).
This is easily done by inserting a deny statement at the beginning of the NAT access lists as shown below:
For Site 1’s router:
R1(config)# ip nat inside source list 100 interface fastethernet0/1 overload
R1(config)# access-list 100 remark -=[Define NAT Service]=-
R1(config)# access-list 100 deny ip
R1(config)# access-list 100 permit ip any
R1(config)# access-list 100 remark

And Site 2’s router:
R2(config)# ip nat inside source list 100 interface fastethernet0/1 overload
R2(config)# access-list 100 remark -=[Define NAT Service]=-
R2(config)# access-list 100 deny ip
R2(config)# access-list 100 permit ip any
R2(config)# access-list 100 remark


Bringing Up and Verifying the VPN Tunnel

At this point, we’ve completed our configuration and the VPN Tunnel is ready to be brought up.  To initiate the VPN Tunnel, we need to force one packet to traverse the VPN and this can be achieved by pinging from one router to another:
R1# ping source fastethernet0/0
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 44/47/48 ms

The first ping received a timeout, but the rest received a reply, as expected. The time required to bring up the VPN Tunnel is sometimes slightly more than 2 seconds, causing the first ping to timeout.
To verify the VPN Tunnel, use the show crypto session command:
R1# show crypto session
Crypto session current status
Interface: FastEthernet0/1
Session status: UP-ACTIVE    
Peer: port 500
  IKE SA: local remote Active
  IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
        Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map

About the Writer

Rahul Singh is a Cisco CCIE Security certified Engineer (#29110) and an active member of the commuity.

Basics to configure a CISCO router to connect to internet.

Basics to configure a CISCO router to connect to internet.

Any Cisco router you have around you say Cisco 1000, 1600, 2500, 2600, And 3600 Series Routers. Any cisco router you have the below configurations will be able to workout. These configurations will help you connect your LAN onto internet, Provide basic security to your Local Area Network (LAN) so that no other network connects if not defined in the configs. 
I will go straight to what I have around me to have this configuration done successfully.

1. Router: Cisco 1600 series.
2. ISP Addresses: [IP Address: SubMask: Gateway:].
3. LAN Addresses: [IP Address: SubnetMask:]
4. Console Cable.
Step 1:
-    Connect your router into power and connect your console cable (will need an RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter). Power up that router without wasting a lot of time.
-    Open up your HyperTerminal: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal.
-    You can name anything your “Connection Description” mine is “ictmagazine” and choose 2nd icon.
-    Press OK , Then on the next interface choose a “COM” port your console is connecting to from the router. Mine was COM3 then press OK.
-    On the next screen restore to defaults “Restore Defaults” and you should be having something similar to that below.Restore Defaults
Then press OK. You should be in your router now.
Well I will avoid you all the boring talk and just dive straight into the really thing “configuring a router to internet”, so let us go straight to step 2.
Please note that the names and password have used those are as per on my router. You can use anything you prefer to make sure your configurations are secure and matching to your standards.
..............Step 2:  Configure Basics
Router# config t
Router(config)# hostname ICT
ICT(config)# enable password joinict
ICT(config)# enable secret m@g@z1n3
ICT(config)# ip name-server

...............Step 3: Configuring the Line console and vty 0 4
ICT(config)# line console 0
ICT(config-line)# password g3t1n
ICT(config-line)# login
ICT(config-line)# exit

ICT(config)# line vty 0 4
ICT(config-line)# password b0b0ut
ICT(config-line)# login
ICT(config-line)# exit

................Step 4: setting up the LAN interface
ICT(config)# interface Ethernet1/0
ICT(config-if)# Description ICTMAGAZINE LAN
ICT(config-if)# ip address
ICT(config-if)# ip nat inside
ICT(config-if)# no shutdown
ICT(config-if)# exit

....................Step 5: setting up the INTERNET interface (this interface has IP Addresses provided by Internet provider –ISP)
ICT(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0
ICT(config-if)# Description Broadband Internet
ICT(config-if)# ip address
ICT(config-if)# ip nat outside
ICT(config-if)# no shutdown
ICT(config-if)# exit

....................Step 6: Configuring NAT and Routing statements.
ICT(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
ICT(config)# ip route

...................Step 7: Configuring the Access-list 1 (This allows the LAN to get connection to the internet).
ICT(config)# access-list 1 permit

..................Step 8: Run show commands to confirm your configurations
ICT(config)# show interface ethernet1/0 (verify the LAN IP configuration)
ICT(config)# show interface fastethernet 0/0 (verify External/ISP IP configuration and status)
ICT(config)# Show ip route (show your routing statement if its correct)
ICT(config)# show ip nat translations (This is to confirm if your nat statements are right)
ICT(config)# show access-lists (configured access lists)

.................Step 9: Save your router configurations

Pheeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww………….atlast we are done! At this point you should be in position to access internet using your cisco router.
There is a lot you can do with your cisco router. Let me know what you want to do on your cisco router. We shall be glad to help you out. All the best guys am out of here to my next issue.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

This installation of PGP has not been initialized...


When attempting to open PGP Desktop in a PGP Universal Server managed environment, you receive the following error message and PGP Desktop fails to open:

This installation of PGP has not been initialized or the initialization settings have been deleted or damaged.


This error can occur when the PGP preference files on the computer have become corrupted on PGP Desktop clients. To resolve this issue, stop the PGP Services and delete the PGP preference files. When PGP Desktop is restarted, the preference files will be automatically re-created.

Use the following steps to delete the PGP preference files:

  1. Stop the PGP services by clicking the PGP Tray icon in the Windows system tray and then click Exit PGP Services.
  2. Browse to the following folder for your operating system:

    Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\%user name%\Application Data\PGP Corporation\PGP

    Windows Vista - C:\Users\%user name%\AppData\Roaming\PGP Corporation\PGP

    Windows 7 - C:\Users\%user name%\AppData\Roaming\PGP Corporation\PGP

    Note: If the Application Data/AppData folders are hidden, you must change the folder options for Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders. In Windows Explorer, click Tools > Folder Options then click the View tab. In the Advanced Settings window, click Show hidden files, folders, and drives then click OK.
  3. Delete the PGPprefs and PGPpolicy files.
  4. Click Start > All Programs > Startup and then select PGPtray.exe
  5. If prompted, enter your license information and authorize the PGP Desktop software.