Friday, June 21, 2024

An auditor is a Watchdog and not a Bloodhound discuss?

 The Role of an Auditor: Watchdog vs Bloodhound

An auditor plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of financial statements and providing an independent assessment of an organization's internal controls and operations. While some may argue that an auditor is a "watchdog," others may view them as a "bloodhound." Let's delve into the key characteristics of both perspectives to understand this debate better.

1. Watchdog: A watchdog, in the context of auditing, refers to an independent professional who acts as a guardian or overseer. Here are some reasons why an auditor can be considered a watchdog:

- Independent Oversight: Auditors are expected to maintain a high level of independence, objectivity, and integrity while performing their duties. They act as a safeguard against potential fraud, errors, and irregularities in financial statements. Their primary responsibility is to provide assurance to stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, and regulators, that the financial information presented is reliable and accurate.

- Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Auditors ensure that an organization complies with applicable laws, regulations, and accounting standards. They review the internal control systems to identify any weaknesses or deficiencies that may lead to non-compliance. By assessing the effectiveness of internal controls, auditors contribute to the prevention and detection of non-compliance issues.

- Risk Management: Auditors assess the risk environment within an organization, identify potential risks, and provide recommendations to mitigate those risks. They evaluate the internal control systems and identify weaknesses that may expose the organization to risks such as fraud, misappropriation of assets, or inadequate financial reporting practices.

 2. Bloodhound: A bloodhound, on the other hand, refers to a detective-like approach where an auditor is seen as actively searching for any signs of wrongdoing or irregularities. Here are some reasons why an auditor can be considered a bloodhound:

- Forensic Analysis: Auditors perform detailed examination and analysis of financial records, transactions, and documents to identify any discrepancies or suspicious activities. They use various audit techniques, including data analysis, to uncover potential fraud or errors. This proactive approach helps in detecting financial irregularities and protecting the interests of stakeholders.

- Investigation and Verification: Auditors have the responsibility to investigate and verify the accuracy and completeness of financial information. They delve into the underlying details, gather evidence, and perform substantive testing to ensure that the financial statements are free from material misstatements. This thorough examination helps in uncovering any intentional or unintentional misrepresentation of financial information.

- Reporting and Disclosure: Auditors have a duty to report any material findings or issues identified during the audit process. They communicate their findings through the audit report, which provides crucial information to stakeholders. This transparency enhances the credibility of financial statements and helps in building trust among stakeholders.

 In conclusion, an auditor can be considered both a watchdog and a bloodhound. While the watchdog aspect focuses on the oversight and assurance role, the bloodhound aspect emphasizes the proactive and investigative nature of an auditor's work. Both perspectives are essential in maintaining the integrity and reliability of financial information, protecting the interests of stakeholders, and promoting transparency in business operations.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

SMTP server on Windows: setting up and installation

 SMTP server on Windows: setting up and installation.

This guide will cover the process of installing and configuring an smtp server on virual servers running Windows operating systems.

What it is

An SMTP server is used to send e-mail for exchange on the Internet and within a local network. Can be used to send system messages and log files.


First you need to add the missing features.

SMTP Server--add roles-begin.png

Select “Role-based or feature-based installation” and click “Next”.

SMTP Server--add roles-role-based select.png

Choose needed server from the pool.

SMTP Server--add roles-role-choose server.png

In the next step, select the “Web Server (IIS)” role. In the window that opens, click “Add features”. Web server (IIS) contains consoles to manage the SMTP service.

SMTP Server--add roles-add IIS.png

Next in the list of features, select “SMTP-server”. In the window that opens, click “Add features”.

SMTP Server--add roles-add SMTP.png

In the following steps, accept the default settings and complete the installation. Server reboot is not required.

SMTP server setup

You can manage your SMTP server through Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager 6. To open IIS, go to Server Manager and in the menu in the upper right corner select “Tools” -> “IIS 6.0 Manager”.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager.png

Expand the branch with the server name, select SMTP Virtual Server and open its properties.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties.png

On the “General” tab, select your IP address on which the SMTP server should respond and enable logging to save information about all sent emails.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-general.png

On the “Access” tab in the “Access Control” section, click the “Authentication” button. In the window that opens, check the box “Anonymous access” so that all users of the server and applications can use the SMTP server.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-Access.png

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-Anonymous Access.png

Next in the “Connection Control” section, click the “Connection” button. In the window that opens, allow access to the SMTP server to only certain computers by adding them to the list and selecting the connection type “Only computers from the list below”.

Note: do not forget to add the IP address of the server on which the SMTP server is configured.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-connection control.png

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-connection srver ip.png

Next, on the “Delivery” tab, click the “Advanced” button. In the window that opens, in the “Fully Qualified Domain Name” field, enter your domain name or IP address.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-connection server delivery.png

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-connection server name_0.png

When checking DNS, the domain name must be valid.

SMTP Server--add roles- IIS manager properties-connection server name-1.png

Save all made changes.

SMTPSVC autorun service

The SMTP server service should start automatically when the server is turned on. To do this, open a command bar and run the following commands:

Start the service;

Verify that the SMTPSVC service is running:

SMTP SVC autorun service.png

SMTP server testing

To check the correctness of the work, create any text document with the txt extension (for example, on the desktop), and enter the following lines, specifying from whom you are sending the letter and to whom:

SMTP Server--test.png


  • in the mailing address of the sender, specify your domain or ip-address as the domain name, the mailbox name can be any;
  • Sent emails get spammed; to prevent this from happening you need to configure SPF and / or DKIM for your domain.

Next, transfer the created file to the C: \ inetpub \ mailroot \ Pickup directory. The file will disappear after a short time. Check the received email.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

How to Find Listening Ports with Netstat and PowerShell and Kill process in window


Using Netstat to Find Active and Listening Ports

Netstat is one of those command-line utilities that seems like it’s been around forever. It’s been a reliable command-line utility to inspect local network connections for a long time. Let’s check out how to use it to find listening and established network connections.

Netstat has many different parameters. This tutorial will only use three of them. To learn more about what netstat can do, run netstat /?.

Assuming you’re on a Windows PC:

1. Open up an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe).

2. Run netstat -a to find all of the listening and established connections on the PC. By default, netstat only returns listening ports. Using the -a parameter tells netstat to return listening and established connections.

Run the Netstat -a
Run the Netstat -a

The output above is broken out into four columns:

  • Proto – shows either UDP or TCP to indicate the type of protocol used.
  • Local Address – shows the local IP address and port that is listening. For many services, this will be for the IP part, meaning it is listening on all network interfaces. In some cases, a service will only listen on a single Network Interface (NIC). In that case, netstat will show the IP address of the NIC. A colon separates the IP address from the port that it is listening on.
  • Foreign Address – shows the remote IP address the local connection is communicating with. If the Foreign Address is, the connection is listening for all IPs and all ports. For established connections, the IP of the client machine will be shown.
  • State – shows the state the port is in, usually this will be LISTENING or ESTABLISHED.

3. Now run netstat -an. You should now see that any names in the output have been turned into IP addresses. By default, netstat attempts to resolve many IP addresses to names.

run netstat -an
run netstat -an

4. Finally, perhaps you’d like to know the Windows processes that are listening or have these connections open. To find that, use the -b switch.

Using the -b switch requires an elevated command prompt or PowerShell prompt. You will get the error The requested operation requires elevation if you use the -b switch in a non-elevated prompt.

netstat -anb
netstat -anb

How to kill port 443 in windows

netstat -ano | findstr :443
taskkill /PID <yourid> /F


Monday, December 13, 2021

[Solved] Your message wasn’t delivered because the recipient’s mailbox is quarantined

 Few days back at one of my client, Exchange server has started to show anonymous behavior and Database got dismounted. We had a hard time to restore that database and make it keep running. Everything was okay, but very next day my client made me a call and told me, he does have some emails as a NDR saying ‘Your message wasn’t delivered because the recipient’s mailbox is quarantined’. So, I asked for the reference email and this here is the detail.


Email send to the several users inside the organization are getting NDR with ‘Your message wasn’t delivered because the recipient’s mailbox is quarantined’. Also the users are not able to get access to their email too.


This is called Poison Mailbox issue, any mailbox identified as potential threat to the mailbox database will be quarantined by Exchange server.The mailbox is a potential threat to the health of the Information store and has been quarantined. In case of Exchange we can do few manual processes to restore the mailbox, but in case of O365 we cannot because of its Multi-tenant environment. Although the quarantine will get restore after 24 hrs.


To identify the issue, first make sure you had the proper mailbox, you can check it with the below cmdlet.

For the single user


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxStatistics username |fl *quarantine*

To check in whole database, how many users are quarantined..


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxStatistics -Database EXMDB01 |Select DisplayName, IsQuarantined

Basically, after 24 hours your email will be restored, but if you want to restore manually you can use below cmdlet via  Access MS Exchange Management PowerShell:


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Disable-MailboxQuarantine test01

When you check again for that mailbox, you will find it is restored….